Shree Rishabh Marmo Ltd.

  • Business Type: Quarry Owner, Factory, Importer.
  • Main Products: Rainforest Brown, Brown Fntasy, Mystic Green, Panther Black, Rosa Pink, Mercury Black.

  • NO. of Employees:
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  • Company Profile: Shree Rishabh Marmo Ltd.

Shree Rishabh Marmo Ltd. is a renowned organization across the globe in the marble and granite trade situated in Udaipur. Rishabh owns two mechanized quarries of high quality green marble at Rishabhdeo, Rainbow and Teak quarry at Khatu, White Marble quarry in Kelva and Desert Gold Granite, Desert Green Granite, Desert Brown Granite , Desert Fantasy Granite and Black Granite Quarries. These have been exported since 1995. Rishabh has, in the past, won several export promotion awards instituted by the Government of India. The company is well poised for an exciting future having with it a well experienced team of professionals working in it at its different offices and is well manned with adequate technical and commercial experts/executives in its factory and corporate offices.

  • Address: Shikarbadi Road, Bedla, P.O. Sapetia, Udaipur 313011
  • City: Rajasthan
  • Country: India
  • Contact Person:
  • Phone: 0091 2942440957
  • Fax Number: 0091 2942440768
  • Mobile:
  • Skype:

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