Helio And Monteiro

  • Business Type: Factory.
  • Main Products: Tudo, Cinzento, Rosa, Preto, Amarelo.

  • NO. of Employees:
  • Annual Turnover:
  • Established: 1965
  • Contact Person:

  • Company Profile: Helio And Monteiro

Helio And Monteiro begins with young Hélio who, at the age of eleven years old, (1965) used granite’s hardness as its art and living. Today we are Hélio & Monteiro, a company specialized in processing granite, with our main office in one of the best granite mining areas in Portugal, Alpendorada. We understand granite like the back of our hands. We recognize your demand for high quality products. Visit us, we will be pleased to welcome you.

  • Address: Rua de Santa Cristina, nº498 4575-047.
  • City: Alpendurada e Matos
  • Country: Portugal
  • Contact Person:
  • Phone: 00351 255 615 452
  • Fax Number: 00351 255 611 706
  • Mobile:
  • Skype:

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